There are 4 levels of consciousness/life that Michael Beckwith calls.
1. Life happens To Me: It is Victim Stage, Life happens to me & blames the situation, friends, family, anything outside of me & does not take responsibility for life. Example: Blame, Excuse, etc.
2. Life happens By Me: The Manifestor Stage, here we understand the laws of the universe and create the life of dreams. Example: Vision boards, Goal setting, Visualization, Affirmation.
3. Life happens Through Me: The channeler consciousness stage. It is the stage of Inspiration & Intuition. Life provides inspiration & intuition to follow and life happens through me. Example: Inspiration & Intuitions.
4. Life happens As Me: The being consciousness stage. As we know we are all connected. There is no difference between me & Universe. There is no difference between life & me.
In which consciousness stage we are. Have to move from Level 1 to Level 4.