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6 ways to live in the moment


The only way to survive eternity is to appreciate each moment.” “Be present in all things and thankful for all things.” “If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” “If there's one thing I learned, nobody is here forever.

1. Focus on the Now

In order to live in the moment, you need to focus on the now. Focus on what you’re doing. Shut off the TV, turn off the computer, slow down, and savor the present.

2. Pay attention to the small things

Notice the world around you: the small things. Be thankful for them. Living for the moment and noticing the small things will help you cultivate more positive experiences.

3. Smile

If you want to know how to live in the moment, you just have to take a look in the mirror and smile. Smile — it can influence how you feel.

4. Perform a random act of kindness

Random acts of kindness, those selfless acts that help others, help you live for the moment of making others smile and making you smile as well. Random acts of kindness are just that — random. They are spontaneous, in the moment, and a great addition to your daily life.

5. Give thanks

Be thankful. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But it isn’t always. It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving for you to feel grateful and express that gratitude.

6. Don't worry

It’s much harder than it sounds, but try to remember that worrying today won’t change what happens tomorrow. Every second you spend in worry about the future is a second of the present wasted. Because worrying takes you out of this moment and transports you into the realm of future possibilities, it's impossible to live in the moment and worry at the same time.



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Manish Chauhan


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