Money or Success. It is like the butterfly, if you want to catch it, it will fly. However you are running behind it, it will not get in your hand. Leave it, create the process and the system to achieve anything, and then success will be part of your life. If you are still in the woods, the butterfly will come and sit on you. Create the system for any result you want in life and it will follow. Here the key virtue is Patience. It is the process & it takes its own time. No less, No more. Everything happens at its own time. Do what has to be done & the result will follow.
Certain things are under our control and certain things are not under our control. Always ask yourself what can I control & what can I not control. Only work on what you can control. You can control your morning rituals. You can get up early. You can meditate daily. You can exercise. You can eat healthy food. You can create your system/process. You can control how you drive. What you cannot control is How others are driving. You cannot control the climate, whether it rains, snowfall, etc. You cannot control others. You cannot control the results. You cannot controls what people give comments on your writing. So remember what you can & can not control and success will be achieved.