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Don’t be passionate, be on purpose


Passion is to do with you (it's easy because that is what you love)& Purpose is for others, that is the significant difference between both. Your purpose is bigger than you, this is why you were put on this earth. HELP, GIVE, or SERVE should be the starting word of your PURPOSE.

The call is more important, it requires courage to accept the call. Are we brave enough to answer the call?

Help somebody, Give back to something, Serve something greater than you. That is your purpose. When this becomes clear to you, your life starts to make sense. Keep pushing, keep going when it becomes tougher when times get tougher because you know you are not doing it for you, you are doing it for others.

You are living your passion, to fulfill your purpose, that's much bigger than you. Why do you do what you do? Find your WHY. Its everything. Find it, use it.



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Manish Chauhan


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