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Enlightment !


  • Enlightenment does not mean everybody becomes one way, but on their own way

  • If you use your physical energy it may last longer but if you use your very source of creation within you and act through that, it just lives forever.

  • The molecule of DNA in your system is performing more complex functions than your thoughts process can ever imagine.

  • We are generally not conscious of our mental body.

  • If we give some time from our work, parents, technology everybody will know they too transcend their present limitation.

{Tool} “ Remind yourself, for 5 min daily, that what you accumulate can be yours, but never ever can be you.

Pleasentness :~

  • If u determine what happens to you, obviously u will choose higher level of pleasentness.

  • Dont try to manage your expressions, you manage your source ( Inner self )

  • “ It always the root we nourish not the fruit “

  • Half alive - we constantly need pleasure, all you know is physical.

  • Fully alive - pleasure and suffering disappear”

  • When you are not responsible for what is not comfortable in ur life, you become half alive.

  • Fully aliveness is fantastic, half alive is tourure.

  • Your ability to respond as a “life” is limitless & your ability to act is limited.

{Tool} If you are alone on this planet what would you want for yourself [ask yourself everyday]

Mind Control :~

  • What’s happening within must happen in our way.

  • “Pleasant or unpleasant both happens within you”

  • Outside will never happen the way you wanted. Some for me, some for you and some for others.

  • “If you have a heaven in you, what does it matter where u go.”

:-) Yash Chauhan



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Manish Chauhan


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