You all know a well-structured and consistent exercise program combined with a healthful diet can help all of us in achieving the ideal body weight. But you do not know that people who have more NEAT in their lives burn more calories and have leaner body compositions.
NEAT is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.
NEAT is just the fancy word for the amount of energy you spend moving around, and being active but it isn't a formal exercise, sleeping, or eating.
Examples of NEAT include activities such as standing, cooking, cleaning, shopping, playing instruments, gardening, and fidgeting. NEAT has a substantial impact on your metabolic rate and calorie expenditure. An increasing amount of NEAT activity is a way you can reduce your time in purely sedentary activities and increase your daily physical activity. NEAT should be used to complement (not replace) your daily target of at least 30 minutes of moderate/vigorous activity per day.
NEAT improves your metabolism, promotes fat loss, and prevents obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Tips to increase NEAT
· Do household chores like cooking and cleaning house by self.
· Pace while talking on a phone call or brushing teeth
· Carry groceries in a basket instead of pushing them in a cart
· Take stairs instead of the elevator
· Park further away from the store and take a walk to reach the store
· Walk to a co-worker's desk instead of mailing or calling them
· Avoid sitting for prolonged periods
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Dr. Charmi Shah