Our dominating usage of the brain is the left side, which is the Logical, reasoning, and physical side. We do not use the right side, which is Creative, intuition & inspirational. Right 90% & Left 10% governs of our life.
Step #1: Mindfulness
You tap into the creative space when you are in mindfulness. Being present, without judging the moment. Intuition & Inspiration comes when you are at Zero and mindful.
Step#2: Intuition
Take a deep breath, and while exhaling says AHAAAA… Have a smile on your face and keep one hand on your heart and ask questions. Your heart will give an answer by giving you the thought. The answer comes from within. This is Intuition.
Step#3: Inspiration
This is the final step where once you are at a Zero state automatically answer comes from the Divine, known as Inspiration. If you want more Inspiration, clear all your programs, and data that you carry from childhood.
Use more of the Right-brain to have Health, Relationship & Finance in your life.