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If you want to improve your life, do this – Water technique/crystal


Your body consists of >70% water & earth consists of >70% water. Hence if you do the water technique you will achieve success.

#1: Water carry energy

When you keep water for some time & you look at it & give positive energy, it has proved that water changes. Drink this water & you will change.

#2: Words change water even rice

There was an experiment done when in 1 room, in two corners, the same rice was kept. One was appreciated with positive words; the rice was fresh and the rice with bad words was deteriorated & smell bad.

#3: Thoughts effects water, mind & body

By thinking positive thoughts, water crystals are changed into beautiful images under a microscope. Thought affects the mind & body as the body consists of >70% of water.

Imagine if individuals change thought & collective people change thought as earth >70% water, it will change the world.




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Manish Chauhan


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