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Justice - Virtue


Justice is a virtue that will lead to success in life. Justice to self, justice to others is essential. This virtue will lead to a successful life. When you are having a choice are you justifying why you are doing it or just doing it for the sake of doing it. Your why should be clear to you. Once you do the activities you need to justify yourself. Justice is deciding what is right at that moment. What does Judge do? he decides/judges based on the various data points of pieces of evidence and person verdict's. So whenever you want to judge/decide have multiple data points.

There is also a process known as 6 thinking hats. In short, you wear different hats and think through different perceptions. Example White – collect all data related to the subject, Red – Feelings, write what you feel or express your emotions, Black – caution, what are the things which can go wrong, write it down, Yellow hat – brighter side, be positive/futuristic about the subject matter, write down the positive side. Green hat – be innovative and try to find various other options so that you come out with creative ideas to resolve. Be innovative. Blue – starting & ending, Agenda of the subject matter. Now once you write down all the points which come up wearing different hats. The answer would be obvious and you don’t need to decide. The answer will be revealed to you.



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Manish Chauhan


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