Beginning of the day. Hope coming true. It could be after a fulfilling day or an exhausting day. A new beginning is what we require in life even if life is smooth and as per our desire.
Reset is required by asking empowering questions.
Is this what I want from life?
Am I the person, whom I can admire later on?
Am I contributing to the society/world to make a better place to live?
Is my reason for doing things is noble or worth it? Is my Why is stronger than the excuses?
Are my goals making me a better person?
Am I am doing what is required to do or Am I am living a status quo life?
Am I living an intentional, meaningful life?
The quality of the question determines the quality of answer you get and in turn Quality of Life.
Answer the questions every 6 months and reset your life. Life is like rafting. It is not going to flow in a straight line without any path distortion. Life will be challenging and you need to alter your path too. If you take it as a game, you will have fun & trill in the process. You will ask for more challenges because it will help to grow as a person.