This is the ancient philosophy that was done by the stoic philosopher. In the modern world, people say that you should have positive visualization and then they don’t do anything of the current state and then carry on the life without really being grateful from the bottom of the
heart and they don’t mean it.
And so the stoic philosophy came up with what is called Negative Visualization. You can imagine the worst thing that could happen. For example, you don’t have a car or any materialistic thing, then you would be happy when you see your car and are grateful. This comes from the heart. Many people wish for what we have and we are having it but not valuing the same. When we do negative visualization, we understand how lucky we are to have the stuff/relationship/health. Also, this applies to our loved ones. If we imagine we don’t have then we understand that how lucky we are to have these people in our life. This could be the last time you are saying goodbye to your loved ones. So when you think this way, it allows you to be in the present moment and cherish as much as possible. It also creates a sense of urgency in life. We don’t take things for granted and we know from memento mori (we will die) that we have a limited amount of time and has to be present and do what is to be done.