In Vishen Lakhiani's words, “Most of us are being taught to set goals in a way where we end up chasing the wrong things – not things that truly lead to our happiness but things that the culture scape models as needed.”
1. Experience
What beautiful human experiences do you want to have?
2. Growth
What will help you grow and become the man/woman you want to be?
3. Contribution
In what ways can you contribute to others and the world as a whole?
These 3 questions will help you cut through the clutter, the noise, and the confusion of traditional goal setting allowing you to focus on the specific goals that will serve your happiness.
You see, most people make the mistake of setting what are called means goals… but they should be setting our end goals.
A means goal is something you do in order to get the experience you want to have.
However, an end goal is what you actually desire. But when you ask yourself these 3 Most Important Questions, you can cut through any means goal and find the most optimal path to your end goals. Whether they be experiences, ways to grow, or ways you want to contribute to the world.
By asking yourself these questions, you will set goals that serve your happiness and create a life truly worth living — a life that is extraordinary.