What's in your control & what's not in your control?
what is up to me & what is not up to me?
The most important thing to understand in life is what's up to me & what's not. What do you control & what you do not have control of? For example, you control how you work when you get up, whether you do exercise or not, whether you do meditation or not? whether you write your journal to clear your mind. Whether you drink green smoothies or eat a donut, these are all of the things which you control. You do not control the weather outside your home. Is it raining outside, the heat? This you do not control. You do not control how others behave with you. You control how your respond. So separate what you control and separate what you do not control. You control how you play, you do not control how others play, You control how you play, you do not control if others cheat or not, you control how you play, you do not control if the team has won a thousand times, you control how you play, you do not control if the referee is against you, you control how you play. Just focus on what you can control and do not focus on what you can not control. This philosophy will reduce the time which you are wasting on the things which you do not control. And focus and improve things which you can control & be a better person and human being to serve the mankind. There would be something which parts you can control and partial which you do not have any control over it. Based on the understanding you decide what can be done. Just differentiating both types of control your work is half done. In case of question/decision ask yourself, Can I control or not? If not leave it and if I can control then do something about it. Improve the situation & move forward.